
The Not So Quite Quote Challenge

Quote 01
I am confused at times. Should I sound? Should I echo?

There was a season sale in the mall which no girl would like to miss. And then they started the never ending shopping from one floor to another, one corner to another corner finally they finished the shopping.

But after reaching home she found that the skirt which she choosed after seeing the 101 skirt was not the proper size.

He went again to exchange it she was on phone helping him to select the skirt. She asked for brown skirt, but not the dark brown and too light brown which should be less brown, but it has to be brown after some time he got so pissed and he shouted, I am confused at times. Should I sound? Should I echo? what exactly this girls wants?

Quote 02
You need not answer all the questions! You can just laugh and laugh again.

After this shopping weekend on a busy working day he was working on a project at home designing, drawing diagrams and sketches of an interior. While he was busy with the project, he got a call from his office so he went to garden to have a comfortable talk call went for almost 25 mins.

And when he returned back to work he was shocked to see in one sheet there was butterfly painted, and some random cartoons on it. Yes that was the artwork of his 6 and 8 years old nephew and niece. When he asked how did this both were simply laughing. What answer can, he expect from them, they were just kids so he only said, You need not answer all the questions! You can just laugh and laugh again.

Quote 03
Thoughts – they do what we don’t ask for!

His nephew and niece made him recall his childhood days. How excited he was on his first day of football practice and so was his mother. His mother came early to pick him from the practice, so that she can also see him practicing.

She took no time to notice that the shoes other children wearing were more comfortable than the one her son was wearing. But the boy knew there finacial condition so he had made himself comfortable with those shoes and never demanded the new one.

But the mother noticed this and she some how convinced her husband and bought a new pair of sports shoes. The boy was so happy to see those sport shoes and wandered parents are so amazing some times that They do what we don’t ask for.

Quote 04
I knew it! That I don’t know!

After this hectic project he went on a holiday to an exotic location with lush green forest, waterfalls, wild animal roaming around. There was a group of tourtist along with a foreign photographer. During the photography the photographer dropped his camera and it fell down though the damage was not much but it took time to on.

So the photographer requested him to give his camera for some time, so that he can take the pictures. The photographer took some splendid photographs and asked him to send those images to him. Later, when he went home, he sent the images to the photographer on his email Id. But the copy of those images were still on the his SD card.

Next day when he went to office people enquired about his vacation he narrated his wonderful experience to them. And when he opened his laptop to show the pictures of the locations.

His colleagues were so impressed specially the girls. They assumed that those pictures were taken by him. But actually those were by the foreign photographer. He thought in his mind, I knew it! That I don’t know! photography but he didn’t want to lose the opportunity of impressing his female colleagues and accepted the all the appreciation for the photographers pohots.

Quote 05

At times, we pretend to think on one and actually think everything else!

After a long weekend its difficult to foucus on work he thought sitting in his office desk he started remembering his struggling days and he recalled his first interview. In a chilled waiting room bit nervious and tensed he was trying to calm himself because this was his first ever interview. The stairs of the passing by people made him more uncomfortable.

So to avoid the tension he started thinking about the thinks he will be doing after getting the job. And than as the time passed he lost in his thought so deep and in details. Starting from getting the job, getting promoted, new home, finding love, begin an entrepreneur and so on and on.

Suddenly, he heard the call from the reception that they got the candidate they were looking for he can leave now. He was sad and at the same time laughing thinking about his unaccomplished plans after getting the job. While walking out of building premise he said to himself. “At times, we pretend to think on one and actually think everything else!”.

IBMC #05: The Not So Quite Quote Challenge


Sea and Me

I belong to the south coast of Karnataka, in India, which means sea and beaches are the part of our life. It is bit difficult for me to explain and bit difficult for others to understand the connection that one can have with the deep blue sea and its waves.

In my early days we often use to visit this place only with family and friends but never had that connection. For me it was just a sea to have fun and the sand of the beach to play with.

But as I started growing old my perspective changed towards this place and I started enjoying going to this place all alone. Sometimes due choice and sometimes due to no options. You known how things change when we start growing most of the time\n friends get separated for various reasons and sometimes you just want to be alone and away from the daily routines.

That is how I discovered the connection between this sea and me when one weekend, tired of too many thoughts about the future, career and other things. I went alone to the beach it was evening of winter and the breeze was at it’s best I allocated my place bit far on the stone from the crowd. I thought I was alone and started thinking about my worries the more I went in-depth of my worries the sound of the sea waves started increasing and after some time I felt a strange connection between sea and my mind without the words. That day when I got up after few hours watching the sea waves the feeling I had been exactly the same that you feel when you have a long discussion with someone.

I didn’t speak a word and I didn’t hear any words, there was only the sound of the breeze and the waves but still felt like I spoke about my thoughts in my mind and those breezes and the waves had acknowledged that thought on my mind.

And now theses waves at this beach had become so familiar that almost every weekend I go to this beach and have a conversation with these waves with some hot cone or cup of a coffee. Sometimes it reciprocates and sometimes it silently acknowledges to my thoughts.  Sea inspires to deal with the ups and downs of the life the way its deals with the Tides in them.

Not sure its real or just my imagination, whatever it may be but I had felt the connection with this place called “Malpe Beach“.



Wisdom of Words:

Today the world is consists of people with high intelligence and great academic knowledge. But the question is does only the intelligence and academic knowledge all it takes to succeed in life? or in difficult situations of life?. Because when the mind became good at taking calculated steps people often stop taking risks.

Either we are afraid to take risk or people around us, fill us with the negative thoughts of the consequences of taking risk. If one sees the final tally of his decisions at the end of this life on death-bed he will find that the regret of not taking the risk to achieve his dreams is more than the satisfaction of avoiding the risk.

Short motivational read :

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs crowded around the pit and saw how deep it was, they told the two frogs that there was no hope left for them. However, the two frogs decided to ignore what the others were saying and they proceeded to try to jump out of the pit. Despite their efforts, the group of frogs at the top of the pit were still saying that they should just give up. That they would never make it out.

Eventually, one of the frogs took heed to what the others were saying and he gave up, falling down to his failure. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just give up.

He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?”. The Frog was actually deaf!!!

The frog said to them, “Thank you for encouraging the entire time”.

Words can have a big effect on other’s lives. Let’s Think about what we say before it comes out of our mouth. It might just be the difference between success & failure!!!

“The ones who crazy enough to think they can change the world. Is the one that does”. Steve Jobs.